
If you wish to obtain a written appraisal from Wai Ming for any of his original art work that is in your collection, please read the following carefully on what Wai Ming will require from you for each item, in-order for you to receive a written appraisal for each item.
You must provide printed photographs, can be from a film or digital camera of the following areas of the art work, make sure that they do not come out too dark (NOTE: do not use camera phones and do not print using black and white/color laser or inkjet printers):- Wait for a sunny day and shoot outdoors (to avoid inadequate indoor lighting that may cause bluriness and off colors).
- Complete front (make sure to try and frame the shot, so that both the top and bottom of the artwork are as even as possible, instead of it coming out shaping like a latter. Aim the camera directly at the artwork and not in an angle.)
- Clear close-up of signature that's on the front
- Clear close-up of writings that are on the back (if any), information such as title, date, etc.
- All pictures must be sharp.
- Overall image size in inches.
- All pictures
- A letter with the title of the art work, approximately what year it was purchased and any other information/comments
- Make sure to inlcude your full name, address, phone number & email
- A check of $300 for each appraisal(if outside the US, check MUST be is USD and drawable in the US)" and send all materials to the following address.
- NOTE: If Wai Ming believes that the art work is not his, all materials and the check will be returned to you
354 Ardendale Drive
Daly City, CA 94014-1410
Due to the high demand of appraisal requests, current wait time can be up to a few months for your appraisal to be processed. Once it's finished, the appraisal will be sent to you via USPS Mail. All materials will be kept for our records and will not be returned to you.